Love To Write and Read All Day

Expository Research Essay Project – Day FOUR- Introductions

Written by Kylene Reed | February 22, 2019

Oh my gosh! I had a blast today, working in Mrs. Dixon's and Mrs. Reynolds's classrooms. As we began writing our introductions, the students' writing came to life! They are writing an expository essay about the Texas animal (a spin-off of the January lesson of the month, Arctic animal riddle, allowing a connection to their 4th-grade social studies unit) that they chose to research.

What does an introduction need for our students to be successful in our state tests?  Well, we pulled out all the tricks on this one, including, a question that was created from their riddle piece, informative verbs, and a little Texas lingo to add voice.  Listen to their samples below! Are your fourth graders writing introductions like this?  Use this poster and my modeled charts as a guide, and add these tools to your students' toolbox as well!

Check Out These Fourth Graders' Introductions!!


Questions?  Email me.