Love To Write and Read All Day

Mentorship: Sixth Graders Teaching First Graders

Written by Kylene Reed | May 23, 2019

A couple of weeks ago, our first grade classes took turns visiting my 6th grade class to learn about writing details. The first graders were making their end of the year book about an animal that they researched. During my class period, my sixth grade students taught the first graders how to write well elaborated detail sentences using the DGQ, What does it look like? and Why is it important? to help write about their animal's features. 


Yesterday, my class go to go over to the elementary and share the books they had created using the exact same skill for the animals that they used in their Who Would Win books. So exciting to watch their faces (both age groups) light up when they got to share together.




We are building a solid foundation for our students beginning in Kindergarten! Imagine the writers they are going to become!😱