Love To Write and Read All Day

September 2020 Lesson of the Month

Written by Kylene Reed | September 1, 2020


Hi Teachers - Welcome Back to School!

     As you all get underway this year, there is certainly a different look to your classrooms. Some classes are entirely in person, others are a hybrid model, while still others are entirely online. Whatever model you find yourself using, we have some great lessons to share!
     Based on feedback from teachers like you, we are moving our Lessons of the Month to a digital format. One that can be accessed by all students to create an equitable learning environment. You’ll find the same high quality lessons that include step-by-step instructions for both you and your students. In addition, there will be an interactive component to these digital lessons for students to complete and submit to you through your LMS or in print if you prefer. As always, our lessons are objective driven and can be used as stand alone lessons or in conjunction with your Empowering Writers curriculum.

    This month you’ll find our Interactive Lesson of the Month to be timely and engaging for your students with lots of ways to “Make it Your Own!”. Students will be using their “author’s eyes” to read a passage of elaborative detail from literature and then developing the productive questions that the author potentially used to create that segment. A skill that requires close reading as well as writing awareness. Then, students will write their own elaborative detail segment using these productive questions as a guide.

     We look forward to engaging with you over the course of this school year as we all navigate this unprecedented time. Please join in the conversation with us onFacebook at Love to Write and Read All Day, curated by our very own Kylene Reed and followed by teachers like you!

CHEERS to a Great Year!
The Empowering Writers Team

K-1 Lesson

In this lesson students will recognize story proportions using the Simplified Narrative Diamond and create a "Stretched out Middle" using literature as a jumping off point.

Go to the lesson

Grades 2-8 Lesson 

In this lesson students will learn to identify the productive questions that author's use to generate specific elaborative detail and then use those questions to generate a segment of their own.

Go to the Grades 2-4 lesson
Go to the Grades 5-8 lesson