
Recommended Picture Books for Teaching Writing in the Elementary Grades

Read Time 1 mins | Mar 20, 2025 11:55:00 AM | Written by: Toolbox

Download this list of mentor texts and share it with your school media specialist. Refer to “Getting Ready to Write” to discover all the mileage you can get from these, and any of your favorite picture books.

Picture books are a treasure trove of material for teaching writing in engaging ways. Our Kindergarten and  Grade 1 resource, “Getting Ready to Write,” are designed to help you turn any reading experience into a writing lesson using the literature you already love.

This downloadable list features some of our favorite narrative picture books, organized in a grid format. It identifies each book as either character problem solution or personal experience narrative. Highlights of specific writing skills, such as elaborative detail, vivid verbs, suspense, and alternatives to ‘said' are provided. By exploring these books from an author’s perspective, you’ll uncover valuable lessons on authors' purpose, craft, and how to enhance comprehension.

